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Support Systems Journal Entries

This week, you will create journal entries to help you reflect on this week's resources and your personal connection to them. This will give you practice in writing about these ideas and will help you to apply these tools in different areas of your life, such as school, home, and work.

Reflect on some strategies for becoming a successful student that you learned from this week's learning content, including the textbook, videos, and classroom discussion.

Hint: The recommended Connect Activities include a self-assessment on time and stress management you might find helpful.

Write four separate journal entries of 175 to 250 WDS each (that is the equivalent of a half-page to three-quarters of a page each.) For this assignment, there is no specific formatting requirement, but make sure to proofread for grammar and spelling. The goal is to relate the course content to your real-world experiences.

The following are the four entries you need to W about:

1. After reading Ch. 2 of P.O.W.E.R. Learning, answer the following:

How can you use what you learned from the chapter and those activities to best support your personal, academic, and work life?

How can they help you improve time management and decrease stress at home, work, and in school?

2. After reading Ch. 5 of P.O.W.E.R. Learning, answer the following:

Which three strategies seemed most useful to you? Why?

How can you use those strategies to improve your own learning?

3. After reading Ch. 10 of P.O.W.E.R. Learning, reflect on the sections on handling stress and keeping well, and then answer the following:

What three suggestions for handling stress do you think will be most useful to you? Why?

How do you think your support system can help to decrease your stress at school, home, and in the workplace?

4. After watching this week's Psychology of Learning videos on this week's Electronic Reserve Readings page, answer the following:

How do you think classical and operant conditioning and cognitive learning play a role in terms of your study habits, and stress and time management?

Combine your entries into one document and include a title page.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92376052
  • Price:- $10

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