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Suicide bombing is one of the most popular terrorist tactics used today. While most of the world sees this tactic as barbaric and cannot understand why anyone would agree to using this tactic, there is a school of thought that justifies its use.

Riaz Hassan is an Australian Research Council Professorial Fellow and Emeritus Professor in the Department of Sociology, Flinders University. In January 2010, he wrote a piece titled Life as a Weapon: Making Sense of Suicide Bombings (attached). The piece can also be viewed on EBSCO Host at

In a well-written paper:

a. Write an essay outlining the justifications for suicide bombing as discussed by Mr. Hassan. In addition find an example of an actual suicide terrorism incident, describe the circumstances and compare and contrast those circumstances with M. Hassan's piece.

b. Make sure your discussion reflects themes in Chapters 5 through 6 of our textbook.

Your papers must:

i. The first page of your paper will be a cover sheet correctly formatted according to APA guidelines.

ii. The second page will include an Abstract.

iii. This paper will use 1-inch margins, Times New Roman 12-point font, and double spacing.

iv. A minimum of three citations must be included and the citations for each article MUST be correctly formatted according to APA guidelines. Do NOT use an automated citation manager to perform this function. Do it manually for this assignment and check your formatting against available APA resources.

a. Excluding the cover page, the Abstract and references page, this paper must be at least 3 pages of written text.

b. Only COMPLETE paragraphs consisting of an introductory sentence, a full explanation of key points supported with properly cited sources, and a concluding sentence may be used.

c. Only use published articles from academic texts, such as those found at or accessed through your Grantham University EBSCO host account (not Wikipedia).

d. The entire paper must be your original work. It may not include quotes and at no time should text be copied and pasted.

This paper DOES require an introductory paragraph, explicit thesis statement, concluding paragraph, and references page.

Homework Help/Study Tips, Others

  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92177426

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