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Strategic management will about zubair company in oman

This assignment will assess the following learning outcomes:

1. Demonstrate a systematic understanding and critical evaluation of the key aspects of the strategic management process;

2. Demonstrate the ability to compare different theories and perspectives of strategic management and use and appraise them appropriately;

3. Critically evaluate theories and concepts of strategic management. Analyses and apply appropriate problem solving techniques plus knowledge learned to solving complex business problems;

4. Demonstrate the ability to communicate complex issues.

Portfolio Brief

The purpose of this portfolio is to measure your acquired competencies that relates to strategic management theory and practice. It evaluates your ability to comply the expected learning outcomes. Follow the instructions specified in each part and answer carefully.

The Portfolio
Demonstrate an ability to write a strategic evaluation about an organization of your choice (one that is very familiar to you, located in Oman) and follow the structured tasks below.

The Tasks

Task 1: Write the title: The Strategic Evaluation of (Name of the Company/Organization)

Task 2: Write the introductory paragraphs.


Paragraph 1: Write an overview of the organization you have chosen. Specify the following:
 Name of the Company
 Its Location
 Years of Existence
 Type of Industry it Engaged
 The Company's Vision, Mission, Objective Statements
 Strategic Capabilities of the Company

Paragraph 2. Write the objectives of the portfolio.

Task 3. Provide contents of the portfolio through evaluation and analyses.

II. Evaluation and Analyses. Comply the tasks specified in each of the following questions:

a. Defend: Why purposes in an organization are laid down, prior to anything else? (Apply theories to support your answer)

b. Explain: What can be expected from the company you choose in terms of business ethics? (Apply theories to support your answer)

c. Evaluate: Which Bowman's strategic clock position is applicable to the company's business status. Defend your answer with appropriate concept.

d. Analyse: How you can critically analyse and recommend strategies that address the contexts that are possessed and faced by the company. Write your textual explanation after the suggested table.

Task 4: Write the concluding statements.

III. Conclusion: Summary of the portfolio with clear emphases on key points.

Task 5: Acknowledge the sources of information that supported the discussion.

IV. References: The required number of references must be 8 to 15 from varied sources applying the Harvard Referencing system.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92572086
  • Price:- $25

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