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Stigma can mean many things. For a person living with PTSD, it can mean being judged negatively or feeling a sense of shame or failure for having to seek professional help. In your opinion and based on what you have learned so far in this course:

What role does PTSD play in community and family violence? Is there sufficient evidence to support the premise that untreated PTSD increases the risk of someone committing violence within their family or community?

Now let's go through the following questions one at a time together, applying your readings, for the remainder of this week:

You have read about some of the variables that contribute to the onset or exacerbation of PTSD for people who have experienced violence? What are some of the implications for social policy? For example, should there be more or less emphasis on certain social service programs, policies, or initiatives that support people living with, or at risk of developing, PTSD? Do we need new ones? As you explore this with one another, please provide specific examples of PTSD-related policies or initiatives, and talk about what groups of people at risk of PTSD would most benefit, and as applicable what group(s) might not be addressed adequately.

People living in high poverty areas are exposed to more violent crime, on average, than those who live in lower poverty areas. Does this environment lead to increased risk of PTSD or increased resilience?

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  • Reference No.:- M92371631
  • Price:- $20

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