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Staring at the balance in his checking account on his computer screen, Antonio Butler thought to himself, It is all over.

"It" was his college career. For three semesters, Antonio had worked two jobs to pay his way through school. He'd been careful with his money, only rarely indulging in major new purchases such as a new computer and a refurbished car stereo.

Now, though, financial events beyond his control had taken their toll. His brother had broken his leg on a construction site, and couldn't return to work for months. While the details of his compensation were being worked out, Antonio had helped support his brother and his young niece.

Staring at his checking account, Antonio realized that supporting his brother had added up to a lot more than he thought. Now his tuition was due-and Antonio simply did not have the money. Antonio had never felt the sinking sensation he now experienced: After everything he'd done, he believed his college career was finished.

1. Is Antonio's college career really over? What should his next steps be if he wants to stay in college?
2. What can Antonio do in the long-term to make sure he doesn't face a similar crisis down the road?
3. Is there anything Antonio could have done to have avoided this situation in the first place?
4. Do you think Antonio was right to support his brother while he was injured? Would you have done the same thing in a similar circumstance in your own life?
5. Have you ever had a moment when you thought your financial plans had been ruined? In the end, was the situation as bad as it first appeared?

In 150 words per questions please review the following questions

Ed Goddard couldn't believe it. He was working overtime at his delivery job because one of his coworkers was taking vacation. During a break from his shift, he got a text message from a college classmate asking if he wanted to study the next day for the exam they had to take the following Monday. Ed had forgotten all about the exam.

Even worse, Ed couldn't study with his classmate the next day because he'd promised his wife he would join her on her weekly visit to her mother. Although he wasn't looking forward to the two-hour drive, he knew his wife would be furious if he broke his promise. And on top of all that, he also had to find time in the next few days to work on a term paper due in one of his other classes.

As he was driving home thinking about all this, his car started to sputter and then stalled. He was unable to get it started. That was it. He sat there on the side of the road, feeling like his life had completely fallen apart and wondering how he'd ever get it back together again.

1. What might you tell Ed that could help solve his predicament?
2. Is there anything Ed could have done to prevent the situation he now faces from occurring in the first place?
3. What specific time management techniques might Ed have employed in the past to avoid these problems?
4. What strategies might Ed use now to take control over his limited time during the coming days?
5. What advice could you give Ed to try to prevent problems in time management for his next term?

In 150 words per questions please review the following questions

The instructor dropped the thick packet of course readings on Delila Meade's desk. It landed with a loud thunk.
"We'll be reading this packet over the next four weeks," the instructor announced.

But staring at the packet, all Delila could think was, I don't think I could even lift that, let alone read it in just a month!
Sure, Delila thought, she was interested in the topics of the readings. They all dealt with the history of computer programming, and Delila was in college to get her degree in that same field. She told herself a lot of the information in the readings would probably be very useful, both in college and throughout her programming career.

But still-all Delila could focus on as she stared at the packet were nagging questions. How could she possibly read all of it in four weeks? How would she remember all that material for tests or on the job? And perhaps most urgently of all, how would she even get the massive packet home?

1. How would you advise Delila to prepare for her course reading?
2. How would you suggest Delila organize her time so she could finish the readings in the allotted four weeks?
3. How might Delila stay focused on her reading? How might she most effectively use writing as a way to accomplish her task?
4. What techniques might Delila use to memorize long lists or other key material from her reading?
5. In what ways can Delila use rethinking techniques to improve her understanding of the readings in the packet?

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  • Reference No.:- M92376045
  • Price:- $10

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