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Sooyan wants to study perceptions of sports advertising on a college campus. The student body at this university is 60% female and 40% male.

He advertises for his study and there is a strong interest among the student body. He obtains statistically significant results and is looking forward to publishing them. However, after he has finished his study and two days before his project is due, he realizes that his sample included 70% males and 30% females.

In reference to the above scenario, answer the following questions:

Does this represent proper quota or stratified sampling?

What do you think Sooyan should do?

List three research strategies each, you can use to follow both quota and stratified sampling.

Find and summarize three articles. Focus on the methods they used to ensure representation.

Do you think any of these methods are also applicable in research involving animals?

Must cite APA, reference all materials, no more than 2 pages

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  • Reference No.:- M92361943
  • Price:- $20

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