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problem 1:

a) What do you mean by the linear programming problem? Describe the steps comprised in linear programming problem formulation?

b) A paper mill generates two grades of paper viz., X and Y. Since of raw material restrictions, it can’t produce more than 400 tons of grades X paper and 300 tons of grade Y paper in a week. There are 160 production hrs in a week. It needs 0.20 and 0.40 hours to generate a ton of grade X and Y papers. The mill earns a gain of Rs. 200 and Rs. 500 per ton of grade X and Y paper correspondingly. Formulate this as a Linear Programming Problem.

problem 2:

a) Discuss the methodology of the Operations Research?

b) Illustrate in brief the phases of the Operations Research?

problem 3: Solve the following Linear Programming Problem by using Simple method.

Maximize Z= 3x1 + 2X2
Subject to the constraints:

                 X1+ X2 ≤ 4
                 X1 - X2 ≤ 2
                 X1, X2 ≥ 0

problem 4: Describe the procedure of MODI method of finding solution via optimality test.

problem 5:

a) Describe the steps in the Hungarian method.

b) Solve the given assignment problem.

540_hungarian method.jpg

problem 6:

a) Describe the steps included in Vogel’s approximation method (VAM) of solving Transportation Problem.

b) Solve the given transportation problem by using the Vogel’s approximation method.

2221_vogels approximation method.jpg

Operation Research, Management Studies

  • Category:- Operation Research
  • Reference No.:- M9620

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