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Societal Marketing

Customers have high expectations when it comes to companies they buy from. The market expects a corporation to consider what is best for society when selling its products and services, rather than only what will benefit earnings and profits for the company.
Today, societal marketing is on the rise, as more companies consider the value proposition of their image beyond just the features and benefits of a product or service. Societal marketing takes into account issues such as the environment, fair trade, and the overall betterment of society.

Remember that the discussion takes place over two weeks and your weekly posts must be made in the specified week to earn credit.


Select a company that exemplifies giving back to the communities in which it operates. Visit its corporate Web site to find out as much as possible about its contributions to society.

Learning to write in multiple genres is a valuable skill for a professional marketer. Create an article that could be used for advertising or public relations. Your professional article should include the following:

• An overview of the societal marketing practices of the chosen company

• The type of promotions undertaken to support the programs

Please do not use attachments; answers should be pasted or typed directly to the discussion board.

Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite and reference the source(s) in APA format.


Interactive Reply 1: Read one classmate's article and explain if the societal marketing strategy described would entice you to do business with that company. Explore the reasons for your answer.

Interactive Reply 2: Read another classmate's article and assess the market being targeted. What group(s) of consumers would most likely be drawn to the company based on its societal marketing? Explore the reasons for your answer.
The two interactive posts should be substantive in nature and showcase mastery of the concepts and your professional marketing and business communication skills. Apply your knowledge. Do not simply state that it is a good or bad idea, specify why and be detailed in your explanation.

Marketing Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Marketing Management
  • Reference No.:- M91725024
  • Price:- $30

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