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Social media ethical debate


Dr. Jackson: Brenda, I believe that I may have gotten myself into an inconvenient situation that requires an immediate resolution. As a colleague, I need your advice.

Brenda White: How can I help?

Dr. Jackson: We both understand that as technology and treatment options advance, so does our means of communication. It is also understood that certain dilemmas can occur in any professional situation, which is one reason why ethical rules are established within our practice. Over the last three days, I have been receiving communication from my client (Sean) on my Twitter account. It has already been implicated that my Twitter was confidential and I was unaware that my profile would be available for all to see.

Brenda White: Sounds very bad

Dr. Jackson: It gets a little worse. Sean has also ‘liked' many of my posts and has made comments about my children and their sporting activity photos. Although I recall briefing Sean during our initial session of the Doctor-patient liaison, the issue of social-media was not specifically addressed.

Brenda White: I agree. This dilemma needs to be resolved as soon as possible.

In two separate paragraphs, Describe your selected ethical dilemma (Social media) and why it is a dilemma.

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  • Reference No.:- M92389802
  • Price:- $15

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