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Social and Cultural Diversity Paper Writing Instructions


The Social and Cultural Diversity Paper (1,750-2,000 words) requires the student to identify and reflect on possible personal biases regarding gender, religion, sexual or gender orientation, race, socioeconomic status, disability status, or culture. The purpose of this paper is to raise the student's personal and professional level of awareness regarding the subject of diverse populations.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a grading rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Process Schedule

The Social and Cultural Diversity Paper assignment will be accomplished in a five-step process, with individual steps submitted and graded regularly throughout the course, according to the following schedule:

1) Outline (Due Week 2)

2) References (Due Week 4)

3) First Draft (Due Week 6)

4) Final Paper (Due Week 8)

Content Guidelines

When constructing this paper, use a three-part structure according to the following guidelines:

Part 1

The first part of the paper requires you to identify information from your own personal history. Use the following questions to help guide your reflections:

1) Identify your personal biases and how they may impact your counseling approach. Remember, everyone has biases. The point is not to project them onto your clients.

Note: It is preferred you discuss your cultural biases.

2) Describe your personal history by documenting experiences with discrimination you may have experienced and how your cultural background impacted these experiences. If you have not had any experiences, share why you believe this to be true.

3) Identify memories of contact with those who were culturally different than you, and your experiences associated with these differences. Be specific.

4) How has your life experience affected how you may relate to persons different than you? Be specific.

Part 2

The second part of the paper requires you to demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of racism/discrimination. Use the following questions to help guide your reflections:

1) What does it mean to be a subtle racist? Please include a referenced definition and example.

2) Why could there be significant differences in perceptions and values of members within the same ethnic group? Be specific.

Part 3

The third part of your paper requires you to review and reflect on the ACA and NAADAC codes of ethics. Use the following to help guide your reflection:

1) Discuss how the ACA and NAADAC codes of ethics will inform your practice.

a) Identify and cite the specific ACA and NAADA multicultural codes that you will use to inform your practice.

2) What did you learn about the importance of cultural sensitivity in treatment planning?

3) How do communication styles and help-seeking behaviors differ across cultures?

4) How might strategies to build rapport be differentiated based on culture?

5) Examine underlying reasons for differential treatment methods.

a) Consult several professional journals on treatment practices and cultural biases.

b) Identify sources of potential counselor cultural bias within these practices.

6) What resources could help you to become more informed regarding cultural diversity? Cite resources you can use to dispel your personal biases.

7) How could you apply your learning to your future practice as a counselor?

Homework Help/Study Tips, Others

  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92367028

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