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Single Play Reflection Reports

It is a great urge to understand business properly in this strong competitive world. Business simulation is one the most effective way to understand these sensitive issues. MikesBikes, Business simulation program helps us to get clear view the business in the real world. In a nutshell throughout the game it provides to understand product, pricing, marketing, Comparing benchmark, market situation, management accounting, financial accounting so on and so forth.

Template of individual project progress report and more than 100 students are using same template.

Make a report according to this template and make sure you change pictures and figures as well, Figures what ever experts use should make sense please do not just use random figures because they all related to each other.

Expert needs to understand the report before redoing it.

Every thing is available already and its basically rephrase sort but in a very good manner, each sentence must be taken care and no grammar mistakes please.

Attachment:- Single play reflection template.rar

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92393112
  • Price:- $40

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