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Select one of the following classic studies in social psychology. While many of these studies are referenced in Social Beings, you may need to do additional research using the University Library or other resources.

Darley and Latane's (1968) study of the bystander effect, including the concept of diffusion of responsibility and the conditions under which people are more or less likely to help

Write a 1000-word paper about a classic study in social psychology that includes the following information:

A summary of the study and how it was conducted

An explanation of the study results: What happened? Were there any unexpected findings? What did the authors conclude? What did the results mean, and what are their implications?

An explanation of how the concept situationism applies to the study results

Answers to the following questions:

Do you think the study results might have been different if the participants were from a different cultural, ethnic, or gender group? How so?

Do you think the results of the study are important and relevant to contemporary society? Explain.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92374517
  • Price:- $40

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