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Select any ONE contemporary management issue of your choice and discuss:

  • Its effects in the modern organizations.
  • The strategic response that today's managers need to use to address the issue
  • Use relevant examples to support your case.

Some of the issues include but not limited to:

a) Technological disruption

b) Government regulations such as interest capping

c) Short product life cycles

d) Evolution of new products/services

e) Social/cultural changes

f) Corporate Social responsibility

g) Environmentalism- Global warming, climate change, pollution 

h) Globalization

i) Regional integration

j) Knowledge management

k) Ethical issues

Credibility and marks will be earned for the following:

  • Depth of research
  • Originality of ideas
  • Clarity and logical flow of ideas
  • Grammar and use of APA style

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92367962
  • Price:- $20

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