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See the following guideline for your individual final research proposal.

1. Aim and Motivation of the project (you can start introduction from the 2nd paragraph under aim and motivation headline)

2. Research Objectives ( you can use your research questions to develope your research objectives )

3. Background and Literature Review ( theory, defination, previous literature will be discussed in this section)

4. Research Gap ( I discussed about the research gap during lecture)

5. Research question/ Hypotheses Development

6. Research Design and Methodology ( Data, sample, data collection method, research model- if this appropriate for your research, If you to write cleary about qual/ quant research should be clearly stated). If you are planning to do quantitative research, you have to provide research model, variable defination, how to measure variables.

7. Data Analysis method ( I provided two books related to qual and quant research in the class, please read data analysis technique from there, as an instance, interview technique should be different, survey research methodology data analysis techniques are different, or quant research data analysis method is different, Please don't match each other)

8. Expected Outcome ( if you expect any probable outcome from the research analysis)

9. Contribution of the research

10. Conclusion

11. Gantt Chart

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92393494
  • Price:- $60

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