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Section 1:

Please write position statement on Deci and Ryan(Self-determination Theory). Justify your position statement with support from research by discussing the validity and accuracy of the theory.

Also, please respond too prompt 1 and 2 listed below:


Section 2:

Prompt 1: Carl Rogers theory, humanism, comes from how people view only themselves and what motivates them to do anything. He believed that individuals require a desire to make things become reality, in other words, people have the unique ability to enhance or maintain their life. Of course, one's ability can only be determined by the individual themselves and no one else. People can guide people down a path but that is the decision of the person walking done the path. Roger focus on developing people into a functional member of society (Funder, 2016). Roger thinks that one person needs to feel like they're moving toward the goal set in place (satisfaction). Whenever, people wish to maintain or enhance their life, being or becoming a version of themselves requires a good amount of positivity about any situation. Rogers also believed that people want to be viewed positively by others. Unconditional positive regard is the acceptance and love of others for the individual. Conditional positive regard is praise and approval to that person. Roger theory made a quality impact on the field and felt that psychologist should not influence any patient but guide them. This will allow them to come to their own significant conclusion, which is great to boost confidence. So, if future problem that may come along, the patient, can attempt to solve the dilemma for themselves. Roger wished for people to rely on themselves because sometimes others might not be able to help-out. The theory demonstrates strong validity by measuring self-actualization and the persons actual behavior, which also means the theory is accurate. People who were able to realize their dreams or work toward their dream started with self-actualization.


Funder, D. C. (2016). The Personality Puzzle. New York: W. W. Norton & Company.

Rogers, C. R. (1959). A theory of therapy, personality, and interpersonal relationships: As developed in the client-centered framework (Vol. 3, pp. 184-256). New York: McGraw-Hill.

Prompt 2: Kelly had a very fascinating theory called personal construct theory. This theory states that people look at the world in paired opposites such as, good vs bad, strong vs weak, and/or conservative vs liberal and so on. At first glance, this theory seems to have validity because this theory is very logical. I found myself even applying the theory to myself. Not only does that make this theory valid, there are also tests that can be used to analyze the personal construct theory called the Role Construct Repertory Test. This test asks the participant to identify three different types of peoples, objects or scenarios. The test will then ask the participant to describe how two of them are the same and different from the third. Kelly believed that the way the participant described the differences and similarities would revel how the participant views the world around them. Considering the large amount of paired opposites one could think of, and the testability of this theory, I find this theory to be very valid and accurate. Everyone has opinions and views of the life which makes this theory valid and accurate. I, however, believe different situations bring up different paired opposites for me. For example, if I were to go in for a job interview I would look at the situation as being successful vs failure. I believe that I will be successful in getting the job. Others may believe that they will fail in getting the job.

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  • Reference No.:- M92378997
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