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The case study is based on a fictional startup-company that you have planned. Assume that you have secured financ backing and required to design a working solution to the following:

Muscat Multimedia Graphics LLC is a leach multimedia graphics design company in the Sultanate of Oman.

The company produces advertisements for TV, ciner and magazines and specializes in graphic design, manipulation and production; digital imagery and soundproduction a mobile application software development.

The Company has three departments such as Mobile application developmei Graphics Design and Marketing. Each department employs 5 staff members who work on a variety of mobile applicatio software and games consoles.

The staff members are required to work with variousgraphical software and also wr simple applications for market phones like the iPhone or the Blackberry.

The Marketing department staff members E professionals with strong people skills which are needed in demonstrating their work to a party of up to 5 clients at o time, allowing interactive inspection of the work.

Give the management your views and recommendations on a suitat operating system to be implemented in the PC used in all three departments and also discuss on the memc management of the selected OS.

Give reasons for the points thatyou make and please ensure that they are all relevant this scenario (1500 words minimum).

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92090046
  • Price:- $60

Priced at Now at $60, Verified Solution

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