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Sanctuary Cities, Local and State Governments

1. Read the following articles in the order listed.(attached below)

2. IN YOUR OWN WORDS, how would you define a "sanctuary" city?

3. For each of the articles above, what did you learn from reading the article that contributed to your understanding of sanctuary cities? (minimum of 3 sentences for each article)

4. Assume that you are the police chief of a large metropolitan city in Texas. What 2 arguments from above would you believe to be strongest in defense in Sanctuary cities? What 2 arguments would be strongest against Sanctuary cities?

5. If you were the mayor of the city of Houston or the County Judge in Harris County, would you join other counties in lawsuits against the state? Why or why not?

Attachment:- Sanctuary Cities.rar

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  • Reference No.:- M92796329
  • Price:- $10

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