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Review your initial post from this week's discussion activity on computer ethics. Use Microsoft PowerPoint to create a presentation based on your initial computer ethics discussion and associated research. To view a brief 'How To' video for creating a PowerPoint file for this assignment, click on the video in your course shell: Creating a PowerPoint (access this link through your online course)

Your presentation Should:

  • Identify the key points you want to highlight.
  • Contain a minimum of three slides in the body of the presentation.
  • Each slide in the body of the presentation should have no more than three bullet points.
  • Each slide must include animation.
  • Include graphics, audio, video or embedded links as needed to support and enhance your topics.

In addition:

  • Create a title slide that that includes a Title of PowerPoint, Students Name, Course Number & Title, Instructor's Name, and Date, in that order.
  • Create a reference slide that identifies all sources used within the presentation (including graphics or other multimedia)
  • Format your references according to APA style as outline in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., and use in-text citations where necessary throughout the body of your presentation.

Ethic Post Question: As the use of computers and the internet becomes more prevalent, ethical issues related to computer usage will continue to make a larger impact on people's lives and the way that society functions. Computer ethics involves the moral principles and behavioral guidelines associated with the way in which individuals, organizations and society as a whole use computers and information technology. Some examples of ethical issues related to computer use include personal information privacy, computer security, identity theft, intellectual property, equal access to information etc.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92365505
  • Price:- $30

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