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Review the Trauma Case Study. Write a 750-1,000-word paper answering the following questions. Your number one goal is to make sure she is safe.

Provide appropriate support for your answers by citing the DSM.

What are the key assessment issues to consider?

Do you think this is a crisis situation? Why or why not? Explain.

What is the client's immediate need? Be specific

What specific interventions do you feel are necessary with this client?

What is the possible diagnosis for this client? Provide supportive reasoning for your diagnosis. Why?

Is this client suffering a stress disorder? Define which one and the symptoms associated.

How does the biology of trauma present in this case?

Should Maryam's family be notified? Explain.

Would you feel competent enough to work with this client? Why or why not?

Should you seek additional resources to help with this case? Explain.

Do you have coordination or treatment issues to consider? Explain.

Try to stick with the 1,000 word limit. The professor likes to not have more than needed,

Include a minimum of three scholarly references in addition to the textbook.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide

Trauma Case Study

Reason for Referral

Maryam is a17-year-old Caucasian female university student who was referred to your agency by her physician Dr. Jaffee. Maryam presented in her doctor's office complaining of lack of sleep. Dr. Jaffee did not give her medication as Maryam has reported drinking three to fourglasses of vodka and orange juice per night to sleep.

Dr. Jaffee's report indicates the patient is sleeping 2-4 hours per night and often awakens with nightmares. Blood tests were normal with the exception of slightly elevated liver enzymes. Blood pressure was 130/94. Patient was scheduled for a follow-up appointment in two weeks.

Behavioral Observations

Maryam arrived on time for her appointment. She was driven to the appointment by her university roommate. The client appeared anxious, had circles under her eyes, and was tearful during the intake. Maryam was oriented to time, place, and person. Client vocabulary was above average. Client appeared tired and despondent evidenced by low voice, soft speech, and flat affect.

Presenting Problem

Maryam states "I can't drive a car. I am too afraid that someone will hit me or I will hit someone else.I can't sleep so I don't get up to go to class in the morning." Clientstates, "I am afraid to drive." She goes on to state, "I made such a horrible mistake; I don't deserve to live. I am so stupid."

Client states that she was involved in a three car accident two months ago. Clientreports one person was critically injured and the other was treated and released at the hospital. Clientreports she received a citation, as she turned in front of two oncoming cars at a red light.

Support System

Client reports that she lives in student housing on the campus of a local university. She has one roommate who brought her to today's appointment.

Legal: Client is facing legal problems due to the accident.

Family Support: Maryam's family lives out of state. She has no relatives that live locally.

Homework Help/Study Tips, Others

  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92384943

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