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Review the Network Configuration Visio® document of the Mayberry Satellite Campus. This diagram will be used throughout the course.

Scenario: As an IT networking trainee for your organization, your supervisor has given you an assignment to review and evaluate ways for improving the network at the Mayberry Satellite Campus. Your task, as detailed below, includes reviewing the existing network cabling and providing a recommendation to improve the speed of the network.

Your task is to prepare a 1-page table using Microsoft® Word or Microsoft® Excel®, with the table column heading of current cabling, solution 1, and solution 2, and the row headings of cabling types, speed of cables, and main function of the cable.

In the table, indicate the specifications of two possible hard-wired solutions that would improve the speed of the network. Use the template file provided.

In preparation for Week Two, write a 1/2- to 1-page paper using Microsoft® Word that identifies how a wireless solution with wireless access points could also improve the speed of the network.

You can use valid internet sources and related personal experience, or preview Ch. 4, "Wireless Networking," in Networking Essentials to complete this task.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92375571
  • Price:- $20

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