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Review the links listed below. If you know of other web sites that have Web 2.0 Tools, be sure to share them with the rest of the class.

Please create a posting with new links.

After your brief review, Choose 4 of the Web 2.0 Tools -only 1 each from these area choices: (for example, a student may choose one from Planning Web 2.0 Tools, one from Presentation Web 2.0 Tools, one from Assessment, and one from Collaboration). Immediately post- under Web 2.0 Tools in Module 2 (found under Content in elearning) each separately with the name of the Tool in the subject and your name in the content area. Then, play with the tool and figure out how to use it. Also, PLEASE, do not review a tool that someone else has posted. The more reviews of different tools we have here, the more choices each of you will have in using the tools later.

The different types of Web 2.0 Tools are:






Other Helpful Tools

Once you have review and used the tool, go to where you created a separate posting for each tool and review the tool for others. In your review for each tool, please share the name of the tool, explain how it works, what category it falls in, and how it can be used by you in your position and by others. Also, let us know if you have used it before, and if so, what you like and/or dislike about that particular tool. If you haven't used it before, after you have "played" with it, tell us if it was easy to figure out how to use, if you like and/or dislike it.


Discovery Education's Web 2.0 Tools --

Edudemic's The 35 Best Web 2.0 Classroom Tools Chosen By You --

Edudemic's The 30 Best Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers (2012 Edition) --

Pinterest's Web 2.0 Tools for Educators --

Web 2.0 Teaching Tools --

Teach with Web 2.0 - Timelines 2.0 --

Kathy Schrock's Guide to Everything ---

After the review of web sites with Web 2.0 Tools, you will create a separate posting for each tool. In your review for each tool, please share the name of the tool, explain how it works, what category it falls in, and how it can be used in your position and how others can use.

Also, let everyone know if you have used it before, and if so, what you like and/or dislike about that particular tool. If you haven't used it before, was it easy to figure out how to use.

Homework Help/Study Tips, Others

  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M91188727

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