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The six interrogatory investigative questions are who, what, where, when, how, and why? Firstly, this set of questions allows an investigator to collect the information needed to understand the chronological order of events at a crime scene and about a crime as they occurred, and they enable the preparation of a well-written and thorough incident report (Swanson et al., 2012, p. 156). Who begs the question of who committed the crime, which is clearly important as that is one of the main points of the investigative process; to discover the guilty party. Who also can be used to discover information about the crime scene so far as who discovered the scene? Who reported the crime? Who processed the crime scene? What asks what happened... what actions were taken? What knowledge is available about the crime committed? This question commonly refers to actions and objects. What crime was committed? What methods did the suspect use? What further action is needed? Where is referring to location. Where did the crime take place? Where is the suspect now? Where is the victim now? Where are the witnesses? Where does the suspect frequent, live, work? It is used to gather information about the location of people, including witnesses, victim(s), and suspect(s). When most commonly asks about time. When did the crime take place? When was the last time the victim was seen? When was the officer dispatched? When was the suspect arrested?How is used to discover the workings of the crime and criminals, the actions of the victim, or the actions taken by the criminal justice professionals. How was the crime committed? How was the arrest made? How much money was taken? How were the weapons used obtained? Finally, why refers to the reasoning behind the crime, or the reason behind the actions taken by law enforcement, victims, witnesses, and/or suspects. Why was the crime committed? Why was the crime reported? Why were the victim or witness reluctant to talk? Why did it take so long for the crime to be reported?

The six interrogatory investigate questions are: 1. what; 2. when; 3. where; 4. who; 5. how; 6. why.

1. What: this is important because you are trying to find out what exactly happened. What occurred and what is the sequence of the events. What is verified and what isn't verified. What needs to be investigated further.

2. When: where is this in the timeline of events. When exactly did the events start and stop. When does someone go there and when do they leave. When is this event no longer important.

3. Where: this is important because you are trying to find out the descriptions of the locations. Does this occur in more than one area. Is there a pattern.

4. Who: this is important because you are trying to figure out who is involved. Who affected what happened. Is there minor and major players involved in the incident; and what is their background story. Who can be removed and who can be added.

5. How: How did this start. How did the events take a different route. How can we prove if someone was or wasn't there. How can we verify this.

6. Why: Why did this happen. Why did this occur. Why is this important. Why does this happen here. Why are these people involved.

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  • Reference No.:- M92385937
  • Price:- $10

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