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Interviewing and interrogating are very similar; they both require planning, controlling surroundings in which the interview or interrogation take place, are completed in private or semi-private locations, rapport between interviewer/interrogator and victim or witness/suspect is established, both involve asking good questions, they require careful listening and paying attention to both verbal and nonverbal cues, and both require proper documentation (Swanson et al., 2012). Interviews are less strict, they are used when obtaining information, they can be conducted in any setting without legal restrictions. An interview is used before any guilt is established, therefore, the witness is not usually hostile toward the interviewer. Interviews take less planning than interrogations, while interrogations require extensive planning and preparation. An interrogator must consider all of the evidence against the suspect and that information is used in an interrogation to form the questions asked, and in an effort to gain a confession and test the information they have. Interrogations require that the suspect be informed of their rights; this requirement does not pertain to interviews. Due to the fact that the suspect of an interrogation is usually thought to be guilty, the relationship between suspect and interrogator is often more hostile than that of an interview. There are four common objectives to the interrogation process; to obtain valuable facts; eliminate the innocent; identify the guilty; and obtain a confession (Swanson et al., 2012). In fact, the text states that " is the job of the interrogator to make it easy for a suspect to confess" (Swanson et al., 2012, p. 124). Essentially, interviews can take place in the field, at the crime scene, in an individuals home, or wherever the investigator deems appropriate or necessary. Interrogations, on the other hand, almost always take place within a law enforcement facility. The difference is that interviews are often voluntary, they are not restrictive, and the person being interviewed is not under arrest. Interrogations are restrictive, the person is often being held on charges, and the interrogation is often not voluntary.

From our text the differences between interviewing consists of: Planning important, controlling surroundings is important, privacy is desirable, establishing rapport, asking good questions, careful listening, and proper documentation. Interrogation consists of: Planning crucial, controlling surrounding critical, absolute privacy needed, establishing rapport is essential, asking good questions is important, careful listening, and the proper documentation. So an interrogation is a more formal sort of interview where their is a main basis and objective. Where as an interview might be to gain insight into a situation. Criminal investigations use interviews to obtain information and then use an interrogation to test the information that was obtained. In an interview guilt is suspected

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