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Respond to the following: Answer each discussion (x2) with a minimum of 300 words each or more with 2 references each.

Emergency Management Response

This discussion focuses on the response phase of the disaster cycle and activities undertaken as part of that phase. You will discuss the start and finish points of the response phase, which can vary, and involve changing and dynamic sets of activities.

Consider how the scope of a disaster affects response- from a more traditional disaster like a tornado to the massive impact of the Japanese tsunami.

Also consider and discuss when the transition starts from the short-to long-term recovery, focusing on the activities of that change. You may consider generating and sharing a list of activities that occur over time.

Respond to the following:

1. How should the response phase be defined, and what are some significant activities you would undertake as an emergency manager during that time period?

Emergency Management Recovery

In this discussion, you discuss the recovery phase of the disaster cycle. Discuss how to think about the steps and stages that have to be taken in recovery.

Discuss milestones and how goal setting can assist in recovery. Consider the different challenges of recovery, and use practical examples that we have learned from in the United States and from around the world with many different types and severities of disasters encountered.

Respond to the following:

2. What are the practical implications of thinking about recovery as a process? How might an emphasis on steps and stages within that process influence recovery planning?

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92382958
  • Price:- $20

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