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Respond to the following: Answer each discussion (x2) with a minimum of 300 words each or more with 2 references each.

Emergency Management Preparedness

This discussion focuses on preparedness, and connects the concepts of what it means to be prepared. You will practice this directly in the discussion and critique preparedness of your peers.

Respond to the following:

1. How prepared do you think your community is for a disaster? This discussion focuses on preparedness, and connects the concepts of what it means to be prepared. You will practice this directly in the discussion and critique preparedness of your peers.

What are some factors that you would consider in answering this question?

Would you say your town or city is more or less prepared than surrounding communities? Provide evidence for your analysis.

Emergency Management Planning

2. Planning is the central concept to preparedness. It is a process that never ends and is a dynamic process. This discussion will focus on planning as that central tenet to the preparedness phase of the disaster life cycle.

Respond to the following:

• Why should planning be best thought of as a process?

• What differences do you see across the four phases of disaster in respect to planning?

• Why is pre-disaster planning recommended?

Homework Help/Study Tips, Others

  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92371815
  • Price:- $20

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