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Research Paper

The assignment is to write a research paper involving one of these four construction hazard categories. You may narrow your topic down to a more specific type of accident within the major category. I choose to focus on falls, more specially falls from ladders.When writing the paper, consider the following questions:

1. What are the common causative factors?
2. What does data indicate?
3. What are the effective proven corrective measures?

Remember that a significant aspect of anyresearch paper is the summary analysis by the writer of thatresearch (in this case, you).

The submission must be a minimum of three pages in length,not including the titlepage or reference page. A minimum of three scholarly reference sources must be used from the CSUOnline Library. Scholarly sources include:

· Peer-reviewed journal articles
· Safety reference books and textbooks, and
· Other publications by safety professionals and organizations (print or online)

Note that,,,,and similar broad-based Internet sites are not considered scholarly sources. Use government and professional safety-related sources,such as,,,, and Contact your professor if you have any questions about the validity of a reference source.

APA format is required. Be sure to use in text citations for direct quotes and paraphrased information.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92373728
  • Price:- $40

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