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Research Paper Instructions


Utilizing information presented in this course, as well as theoretical and practical elements from academic and Christian sources, compile an original paper of at least 12-15 pages of body text, in current APA style, which summarizes your understanding of the nature and causes of trauma in general, as well as one specific type of trauma.

Address factors necessary for successfully coping with the effects of trauma, and spiritual and professional approaches to treatment.

APA format means that you need to add the following items to your paper: A cover page, abstract, APA headers, an introduction section, the body of your report with sections divided by headings, a formal Conclusion section, and a separate page for References. See your APA Publication Manual (6th edition), Purdue Owl, or other resources for formatting examples.

A minimum of 15 scholarly sources is required, in addition to your textbooks (if you choose to cite these).

Grades will be assigned based on quality of content, how well current APA guidelines are adhered to, the richness of citations utilized, quality of expression, and biblical integration presented. Submissions less than 12 pages will be heavily penalized.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92368681
  • Price:- $60

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