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Research Paper Assignment

Five pages Research Paper - must be on a company involved in the TRAVEL INDUSTRY,

you can also write about a park, monument and the like and also a single UNESCO world heritage site.

· Must include a bibliography of more than 5 different sources
· If you quote a source, you must give credit.
· Do not bullet point the paper, use paragraphs
· What are the principles of the company or organization in regards to sustainability and/or being eco-friendly?
· What practices do they support?
· What charities do they support and participate in?
· Are there programs in place to teach - employees, guests, and community?
· Do they support the community? How?
· What future programs are they planning?
· What conclusions have you reached about the company or organization?

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92367016
  • Price:- $55

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