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1. Perform a SWOT analysis of 'The Business' -

  • you need to list at least four issues for each element of SWOT analysis - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats; and
  • you also needto elaborate whyyou considered these particular issues in your analysis.

Tip: Strengths and Weaknesses relate to internal matters of a company, whereas Opportunities and Threats relate to external issues such as competitive advantage

2. Formulate a vision, mission and overall strategy/s for 'The Business'.

3. Design a balanced scorecard for 'The Business'.

In particular you need to:

a. draw a strategy map based on the objectives that you develop for 'The Business';

Tip: you should utilise your SWOT analysis in developing  the objectives for 'The Business'

b. briefly define the objectives included in your strategy map and explain why these particular objectives are important for 'The Business'

c. prepare a scorecard with measures, targets and initiatives (action plan) that you need to develop for "The Business'

d. explain how your balanced scorecard will help to achieve the overall strategy/s of 'The Business' (see requirement 2). You need to support your discussion with appropriate literature.

4. Evaluate how your balanced scorecard will promote goal congruence for 'The Business'. Again, you need to support your discussion with appropriate literature.

Tip: an appropriate incentive and compensation systemwill be useful in promoting goal congruence

5. Instead of an executive summary and introduction, write a memo to John Clarksonsummarising your report and outliningwhat you believe to be the strengths of your balanced scorecard

Some key financial data:

Operating revenue (A $m)


Earnings before Interest and tax (A $m)


Current Assets (A $m)


Total Assets (A $m)


Current Liabilities (A $m)


Total Liabilities (A $m)


Return on Investment


Required Rate of Return


Attachment:- Assignment.rar

Operation Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Operation Management
  • Reference No.:- M92796597

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