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Required grading elements: description of a process, ppt, preparation outline, 5-8 minute speech

Think about a regular task you encounter at work, or that you've experienced in past employment.

Write out a description of that process. Using that description, make two versions of the description, one for experienced personnel at the site and the second for new trainees or hires.

Make a power point (minimum 8 slides) to illustrate the process. (Submit ppt with the video of your speech).

Select either the experienced personnel or the new hires as your target audience.

Using the description appropriate to that audience, design and deliver a 5 to 8 minute speech on the process, using the ppt and additional visual aids if necessary.

The organizational pattern of the speech, at least in the process section, will be organized sequentially.

Submit a properly formatted preparation outline with the speech.

Operation Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Operation Management
  • Reference No.:- M92778332

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