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Reporton Health, Safety, Environment & Fire issues in Oil & Gas Industry

Being a critical analyst in HSEF (Health, Safety, Environment and Fire) department of a reputed Oil and Gas industry of Oman, you are required to prepare a technical report focusing on HSEF matters which has to be submitted to Ministry of Man Power.

The report should cover various aspects including introduction to Health, Safety, Environment and Fire department in Oil and Gas industries, survey of accident statistics (as per provided information) with your comments and critical discussion on challenges faced during different Oil and Gas operations. As well as being a compiler of the report and as a responsible individual, you need to suggest your personal view to implement concrete remedies for minimising occurrence of accidents and minimising challenges in the drilling field and refinery sector.

Tasks Marks

A. Introduction:Importance and need of Health, Safety, Environment and Fire department in Upstream and Downstream Industry.

B. Statistical survey and analysis of accidents: Interpret following table by comparing Onshore (2015 & 2014) and Offshore (2015 & 2014) statistical data and preparing different graphs which is summary of 2014 and 2015 incident/accident data for oil & gas industries worldwide (for more specific information, you are advised to refer the source document).





worked (thousands)

Fatalities (number)





















































C. Critical review with suggestions: Fire, Safety and Environmental challenges in Upstream activity.

D. Critical review with suggestions: Fire, Safety and Environmental challenges in Downstream activity.

- This is an individual assignment/coursework and has to be submitted through UClan Blackboard without revealing your personal identity.
- Approximate words count is 2000 words.
- In the light of authenticity of the prepared coursework submitted, an individual viva may be conducted to establish the genuineness of the work.
- It is your responsibility to ensure that your work is neatly and accurately presented.
- The report must be Word processed and submitted electronically through UClan Blackboard.

- All academic writing must be cited and referenced, non-referenced work/write-up will be considered as plagiarism.
- Follow Harvard system of referencing within your text.
- Missing in text referencing/citation will be strictly penalised by reducing marks.

Follow Harvard system of reference and citation

Homework Help/Study Tips, Others

  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92575080
  • Price:- $60

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