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Read each sentence below, and write whether the data collection would fall under a systems or project approach.

1. An airline regularly conducts customer satisfaction surveys and reports the numbers on a monthly basis.

2. A theme park commissions a study to be done on why the average number of visits per guest has decreased over the past few months.

3. A hotel is considering raising its rates and wants a study to be done to understand guests' potential reactions.

4. A theme park surveys guests on a daily basis with the same questionnaire to know about their travel habits.

5. A hotel collects demographic information (e.g., address, phone number, etc.) on all people that call in to book a reservation.

Think about the stages in the research process.

Which of the stages (formulate problem, determine research design, determine data collection method, design data collection forms, design sample and collect data, analyze and interpret data, prepare written/verbal report) goes with the descriptions below?

6. Defining what the study will achieve

7. Deciding how to word questions in a questionnaire

8. Determining that you want to run an experiment

9. Deciding whether to use existing data for the study

10. Creating graphs/data visualizations

Operation Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Operation Management
  • Reference No.:- M92777059

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