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Read and write up talking notes for, Rams Omit the Unimportant, and Debby Dancers Readings (Attached) -- 1 page for each reading. Complete a response in the format instructed below. Grammar and english EXTREMELY important - please make sure everything is perfectly written out. Great english, good grammar, good and advanced language and in-depth yet short reflection and analysis in the following format, please.

Paragraph 1: Summary

Summarize the text/images in your own words (make sure it is completely in your own words!) Aim to write 3-5 sentences, beginning with a topic sentence that identifies the title, author, and main idea/central argument.

Paragraph 2: Quotation(s)

Discuss the significance of one or two quotations that capture your attention. For example, what strikes you as particularly wise, surprising, problematic, or controversial? Again, begin with a topic sentence, and properly contextualize and introduce the quotations.

Include Chicago Manual of Style footnotes.

Paragraph 3: Question(s)

Pose a question or two you'd like to ask the class, and explore possible answers. No need to fully answer the questions though, simply explore them. In other words, what are you wondering about now that you've finished reading?

Formatting: Talking Notes must be typed in 12-point Times New Roman font.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92363551
  • Price:- $20

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