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Read about the Gang Resistance Education and Training (G.R.E.A.T.) evaluation study (pdf attached) then answer the questions below in a numbered, essay format, meaning you should write in full sentences but answer each question individually. citations needed, 3/4 page average per answer

1. Describe the study's research design. Which portions meet the criteria for a Classical Experiment? Which do not? Explain.

2. Was there a specific theory or hypothesis that was being tested? If so state what it was.

3. What were the important variables in the study and how were these variables operationalized?

4. Identify the independent and dependent variables, and explain why they are designated that way.

5. Were there major threats to validity in this study? You may wish to comment on the process by which sites and participants were selected.

6. Critique the ethics associated with this research project.

7. What major conclusions can be drawn from this study's results?

8. What are some policy implications? Should we continue the G.R.E.A.T. program? Why or why not? Should any further adjustments be made to its curriculum or implementation?

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  • Reference No.:- M92387334
  • Price:- $10

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