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RA: Vignette Analysis: Design Interventions

An important part of the skills you will develop in this course is the ability to design appropriate interventions, and that includes designing an assessment strategy appropriate to the particular client treated.

In this assignment, you will create an assessment strategy based on the information provided in the vignette. This assignment is to be completed individually.


As a Forensic Case Manager, Laurel is sent to you to conduct an intake in order to start the assessment process. During that appointment, she relays to you the information mentioned in the vignette. Using the information found in the vignette, provide a preliminary diagnosis of the client according to The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder (DSM) criteria.

Create a 2- to 3-page paper describing the assessment tools you will use. In your paper, include the following:

A description of the steps you will take to build rapport with Laurel and help her feel comfortable in confiding in you. Consider the work of Carl Rogers Person Centered Theory; the work of Insoo Kim Berg Solution-Focused Brief Theory (SFBT); and Crisis Theory to help inform your rapport building with Laurel.

A description of what methods you will use to continue with the assessment process, knowing this may take three to four visits. Be specific if you are considering using any instruments or questionnaires. Explain the rationale for using each method and indicate what information you expect to find by using them.

Given the information you know at this point, what would be your provisional diagnosis of Laurel?

Look at a diagnosis for this exercise.

You may consider rule-outs. Any diagnosis you give should have an explanation of the criteria or symptoms supporting your choice.

Attachment:- vignette.rar

Homework Help/Study Tips, Others

  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92367058

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