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Quotable Quotes


1. Research business publications such as the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, or law journals; locate stories that are relevant to our study of Employment Law.

2. Select 10 quotes from 10 different articles and type out the quote, the speaker, and the source.

a. The quote should be an actual quotation by a speaker who is identified, not simply a sentence from the article as written by the reporter/writer.

b. The quotes must be recent, of significance, and varied, addressing different subjects, not just one topic/issue. Focus mainly on employment issues in work/business.

c. Evaluation of the paper will be based on relevance, substance, variety, sources, recency. See below for details.

d. Citations should be complete so that a reader can locate the source document. Must include a reference page citing where the source of the quote.

3. For each quote, write 2-3 paragraphs explaining the relevance to what we studied, or further explaining the context of the quote. Relate the quote to business law/employment law. Apply a law to the quote where applicable. Please cite the law used.

a. Paper should include the quotes, speakers, sources, and explanatory paragraphs for each

b. No further analysis of the topic is necessary, although we may follow up on some of the stories in a later class, so naturally, you should understand what you've written.

"Relevance" means that the topic discussed is one that we will cover in our course or that seems directly related to an Employment Law issue.

"Substance" means that the reader will be able to understand what the issue being discussed is about, or what the speaker meant by the quote. "‘We stand by our policy', said the CEO" is NOT a quote of substance.

"Variety" means that the quotes are on a variety of topics, not all on racial discrimination or labor relations, for example.

"Sources" means that the publication is a recognized business publication, newspaper, magazine, journal, etc., and means that different sources and topics are used (not just one periodical, and certainly not just one issue).

"Recency" means that the stories quoted can be considered current.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92369495
  • Price:- $20

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