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Define each principle by providing an example of how each principle may be used effectively in the clinical setting. Provide another example of how each principle may be used ineffectively in the clinical setting. Below is an examples of another student work:

The four principle of communication are essential for the nursing profession. The first principle of communication is presence. Presence is being their physical, mentally, and emotionally for a patient. A way that nurses can use the communication technique of presence effectively is by sitting with a patient and listening to the patients concerns and figuring out what the nurse can do to better assist them with their concerns. An ineffective way of using the technique of communication would be if the nurse just stopped in the patient's room when necessary and let immediately after the tasks were complete. It is the nurse's job to be their physical, mentally, and emotionally for a patient so that they develop a relationship with a patient that will hopefully allow them to heal and recover in a shorter time span (Potter, Perry, Stockert, & Hall, 2013).

The next technique of communication is empathy. Empathy is being able to understand, accept, and relate a patient's feelings to the nurses. An effective way that nurses can use empathy to communicate with patients is to understand the patient's medical condition and help the patient understand their medical condition. The nurse also needs to accept the patient's medical condition as well as their patient's emotions. When a nurse accepts the medical condition and emotions of a patient they can relate to a patient and help them get through whatever they may be encompassing. An ineffective way of using empathy to communicate with a patient would be to ignore the patient's medical condition and emotions and just do what the orders tell the nurse to do.

Respect is the third communication technique that is used by nurses. When a nurse respects a patient they ask what the patient's beliefs and values are and strives to incorporate them into the care they are providing to the patient. Incorporating a patient's beliefs and values into the patients care is one way nurses can effectively use respect to communicate. A nurse who does not take into effect a person's beliefs and values when providing care is an example of ineffective use of the communication technique respect.

The last communication technique that is important for nurses to use is genuineness. Genuineness allows both the nurse and patient to be open and honest with one another. An effective way that a nurse can demonstrate genuineness is by providing the patient with honest answers regarding their medical condition and allowing the patient to ask whatever questions they have about their medical condition. An ineffective way that a nurse can display genuineness to a patient is by making up answers to a patients questions because they don't want to go the extra mile for the patient.

Presence, empathy, respect, and genuineness are important qualities that one should obtain when working in the nursing profession. Working in the nursing profession is a rewarding experience and no two experiences are the same. Not only is it important for a nurse to obtain the four principles of communication it is important that they know how to use these communication techniques effectively.

Potter, P.A., Perry, A.G., Stockert, P.A., & Hall, A. M. (2013). Fundamentals of nursing (8th e.d.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier

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