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Question: Is there a way out


Carl had a great job paying him over $150,000 a year. But he also had a great life and enjoying spending money and having a great time. In fact, he had more than $60,000 in credit card debt. Recently Carl was laid off from his job. A week before he was laid off, Carl decided that he will start a business, so his girlfriend Sarah co-signed a loan for him to start this business. Two days after losing his job, Carl was approved for the loan and accepted the check. 

Five months after the business is started, Carl realizes that the business needs more money than he can afford. In fact, it is in debt for over $100,000 including the loan he receives from the bank. He asks Sarah to apply for another loan this time on your own without including him. Sarah said no and the two argue and decides to split up.

Meantime, Carl has not been paying his bills. All of his creditors (and there are several) are calling him every day. But Carl pretends either they have an incorrect number or that he is someone else. One company that he owes after several unsuccessful attempts refers the account to a collections Agency-Sleazy collections agency.  That company called Carl and made several threats about having him arrested and breaking his legs for not paying his bill. They also called his neighbors and asked them to deliver messages to him about the unpaid bills. In fact, one agent told his neighbor Jim everything about Carl outstanding debt and discusses the entire matter with Jim. 

With debt mounting, Carl is served an eviction notice by his landlord since he has not paid rent in more than two months. Plus, he has racked up late fees associated with the nonpayment of rent. One-day Carl went out and when he returned the locks on the doors had been changed and his belongings were sitting on the curb

Advise Carl, Sarah and the landlord. Can Carl declare bankruptcy and which chapter? Can the landlord evict Carl. Is Sarah responsible for Carl's debt. Can the companies Carl owes take action against him including break his feet and discussing his financial problems with his neighbors.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92560180
  • Price:- $20

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