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Question: In this Discussion Boards, you will explore how physical growth affects the young adult's ability to develop social skills to transition from adolescence to adulthood. A minimum of 350 words with references. Please answer all questions below.

From 18 to 25 years of age, the prefrontal cortex is still developing its last connections between areas of the brain responsible for planning, analysis, and logical problem solving. During early adulthood, particularly during the twenties, the body is stronger than at any other point in life. However, there are many habits that young adults develop that result from unhealthy responses to the pressures of new responsibilities.

1. Describe some of the physical changes that occur (due to internal growth and choices made) during early adulthood and how they affect the adults' ability to cope with life responsibilities.

2. Using either Perry's theory or Labouvie-Vief's theory, explain cognitive development in early adulthood. Create a scenario that demonstrates the theory. In your scenario, describe an adult (age and sex) in a typical situation faced by young adults and explain how the adult uses one of the theories to think through the situation.

During early adulthood, adults face many new challenges related to leaving their families (physically and cognitively) to develop their own families. These families can include friends, intimate partners, and/or peer groups (such as coworkers) that serve as new "families." Those who are unable to form these bonds suffer from increased feelings of isolation. In these years, adults develop their social skills to build relationships and continue to develop their sense of self in the comfort of these relationships.

1. Using Erikson's psychosocial theory, explain the importance of developing different types of relationships in early adulthood.

2. Select one of the following topics from the list below and use the Library to search Developmental Psychology or another peer-reviewed journal to find an article. Then, post the article in the Discussion Thread and write a short summary of the research question, method of experimentation, and results. How can you use this information to help clients?

Topics: • Divorce

• Lifestyle choice (live alone, cohabitate, marry)

• Loneliness

• Social relationship (any issue)

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92744873
  • Price:- $15

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