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Question: History Homework

- Britain as Drug Kingpin? The Opium Wars

- After completing chapter 10 in the Reilly text, please

- read this website: The Opium Wars

- view this documentary: Bridging World Cultures: "Imperial Designs"

- and read this primary source: Commissioner Lin's Letter to Queen Victoria

- Then post an initial response to the questions below by responding to this thread. When you have completed your initial response, take some time to read the responses of others and post follow-up responses to at least two of them. Please pay attention to the deadlines in the Course Outline.

- How does the opium trade fit the general patterns of imperialism as described in the textbook and the Bridging World History documentary?

- How does Lin see th different motives of Chinese and Europeans in conducting trade activities? How does Lin understand the power of Queen Victoria? How does Lin view the right of foreigners to reside in China? On what ground does Lin request Queen Victoria to order the end of the opium trade?

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92384872
  • Price:- $20

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