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Question: For each topic:

• Define the topic and explain what I/O psychology tells us about the topic (e.g., how it should be performed, causes or effects, etc.).

• Provide at least one example from the movie/tv show (i.e., describe scenes and/or provide dialogue) that exemplify this topic.

• Explain whether the movie/tv show demonstrated the topic being utilized correctly or incorrectly and why.

• If done incorrectly, explain how the characters in the movie/tv show or the movie/tv show writers could have shown the topic more accurately.

• If done correctly (e.g., the movie/tv show demonstrates job stress resulting in employee dissatisfaction), explain how the characters in the movie/tv show could apply I/O principles relevant to the topic to improve employee performance, satisfaction and/or well-being.

• Summary and Conclusion

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  • Reference No.:- M92796360
  • Price:- $50

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