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Question: Environmental Analysis, Trends and Key Success Factors

1. Describe the environment for this industry including how the macroenvironmental factors (political, demographic, technological, natural, economic, social/cultural, etc.) are currently affecting the industry, and what factors will likely drive future change in the industry, market size, breakdown of market share, growth rate in the market, and whether the growth rate is increasing or decreasing.

2. Describe the industry trends (current common practices of companies/products in this industry), changes in the way things have been done in the past, changes in consumer preferences or buying habits, and current areas of emphasis for the industry).

3. Describe the key industry success factors. Go beyond the surface description and be sure to provide evidence wherever possible. Keep this at the industry level. (Think about what successful companies are doing that unsuccessful ones are not, or think about what competencies a company would need if they were just starting business in your industry. Your industry has more than 1-2 relevant trends - make sure your analysis gives the reader a good snap shot of what's happening and what's important in your industry.)

Marketing Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Marketing Management
  • Reference No.:- M92794952
  • Price:- $45

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