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Question: Cluster 1: Written Assignment

This assignment will contribute to your final result for the following two (2) units:

• CHCDIV001 - Work with diverse people

• CHCDIV002 - Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety

Before completing and submitting this assignment, have you:

- Accessed the learning resources in Step 1?

- Watched the presentation for this cluster?

What you have to do

In this assignment, you are required towrite approximately 1000 words on developing culturally safe practices and building partnerships.

How you will be assessed

These units are competency based. In order to be deemed competent in these units you must satisfy all elements specific to the units and the essential knowledge and critical aspects of assessment in a range of situations. The assessment has been developed to cover these criteria and your OTEN teacher will review all your work and assess your overall result to deem you competent.

Please reference your work. Referencing guides are available in the Guidelines and information area on the OLS.

Task: For this assignment, you are required to write approximately 1000 words on developing culturally safe practices and building partnerships. Ensure that you answer the following six (6) questions in your response:

1. How can culture and history impact on service delivery?

2. What is cultural safety?

3. What skills or competencies would you consider as important to deliver culturally sound services?

4. As a worker, how can these skills be developed?

5. Within an organisation, what strategies could be put in place to increase the participation of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people?

6. As a worker, how can you develop partnerships with Aboriginal communities/organisations?

NB: It is expected that your information will be well researched and referenced.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92381586
  • Price:- $15

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