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Question: Answer the following questions, covering material from Ch. 13 of Methods in Behavioral Research:

1. Define inferential statistics and how researchers use inferential statistics to draw conclusions from sample data.

2. A researcher is studying the effects of sex-male and female-and dietary sugar on energy level. Male and female participants agree to follow either a high sugar or low sugar diet for eight weeks. The researcher asks the participants to complete a number of questionnaires, including one assessing energy level, before and after the program. The researcher is interested in determining whether a high or low sugar diet affects reported energy levels differently for men and women. At the end of the program, the researcher examines scores on the energy level scale for the following groups: Men - low sugar diet; Men - high sugar diet; Women - low sugar diet; Women - high sugar diet. What statistic could the researcher use to assess the data? What criteria did you use to determine the appropriate statistical test?

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  • Reference No.:- M92779443
  • Price:- $40

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