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Question: According to Gould, 2017 this can be achieved through 2 approaches:

1. Site centric - relies upon the use of a central site that offers a specific product and solicits traffic. Customers are interested in a particular brand that meets their requirements. The central site focuses on attracting and retaining customers, so it invests on building strong brand recognition for the organisation. It utilises an umbrella strategy that has a variety of techniques such as portal sites, purchase advertising and direct e-mail

2. Symbiotic marketing - assumes that it is not impossible to protect content such as intellectual property and concentrates on what needs to be done to build and defend a customer base. It works under the assumption that by making the service available to a multitude of sites, the probability of new customers finding the service is increased.

What else can organisations do to attract customers to their websites and establish a solid customer base?

Marketing Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Marketing Management
  • Reference No.:- M92379942
  • Price:- $10

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