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The Government of Mauritius has recently launched a new concept to give a new impetus to the tourism industry. The concept relates to a strategy based on a common regional label, The Vanilla Islands'. The aim is to pool resources, and expertise of each island collectively so as to provide the edge in the competition.

This new concept will allow tourists to visit the Indian Ocean region through a package tour of all islands forming part of this treaty. Prior to the launch of this concept, an environmental audit across the macro environment was probably carried out to evaluate the forces that may affect the marketing of the vanilla islands.

(a) Using the above case study as a reference, explain the term environmental audit

(b) Differentiate between the terms micro marketing environment and macro marketing environment

(c) Moutinho (2000) argues that the PESTLE framework is a broad bush form of external analysis and it is scarcely adequate for service industries. In an attempt to support Moutinho's argument, outline and explain his model in the context of the Vanilla Islands'


Banking institutions face difficulties in marketing their products due to the peculiar characteristics of services marketing. Discuss this statement and support your answers with relevant examples


Marketing planning is instrumental for the long-term survival of any industry. Using relevant examples, outline and explain any 4 reasons why a company would invest in the formulation and implementation of a marketing plan


Write short notes on the following

(a) The stages of the product life cycle

(b) The promotional mixes

(c) The different bases of market segmentation

Marketing Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Marketing Management
  • Reference No.:- M9718998

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