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Specified the scale of activities of the tourist sector, it is clear that it can comprise a major environmental threat. The environmental dimension is crucial in the tourism sector. It can be argued that tourists are buying ‘environment'.

(a) Significantly analyze and discuss the various environmental impacts that tourism can have in a destination. Illustrate your answers with instances.

(b) How can environmental management tools be used to manage the negative environmental collisions of tourism in a destination?


The 1980s farm crisis in the Midwest led to a decline in the numbers of farmers, forcing many to look for non-traditional rural expansion strategies such as tourism to sustain themselves.

Critically analyze and converse the various components required by rural tourism development for it to be successful.


Understanding the attitudes of the local residents towards tourism development is crucial for local government, policy makers and businesses since the success and sustainability of any destination depends on the active support of the local population. Active opposition has been shown to hinder or stop tourism development (Gursoy and Rutherford 2004).

Critically reconsider any two of the following theories which have been used to study community attitudes towards tourism development. Use appropriate instances to illustrate your arguments.

i. Tourism Area Life Cycle

ii. Doxey's Irridex model

iii. Social Exchange Theory


Sustainable tourism as an emerging paradigm appears to improve the existing conceptual frameworks on tourism planning and development by making the occupants its focal point.

Critically examine and analyze the major themes of sustainable community tourism.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M9719150

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