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Question 1:

i) What do you meant by HRD?
ii) What are the factors that affect HRD?
iii) How has the concept of HRD evolved with time?

Question 2:

i) Describe what is meant by ‘person analysis' and how does it differ from ‘task analysis'?
ii) Who are those who have to be sent for training while conducting a person analysis?
iii) What are the data sources for person analysis?

Question 3:

What are the several components and challenges facing HRD in the 21st century, and what are the corresponding remedies?

Question 4:

i) What is human obsolescence?
ii) What are the reasons that cause human obsolescence?
iii) How will human obsolescence be tackled?

HR Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- HR Management
  • Reference No.:- M9588944

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