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Question 1

Establishing a culture of sound business ethics within an organization is challenging, to say the least. Companies that market products which are not considered to be "healthy" for consumers have additional challenges. You can choose a company that markets "unhealthy" products. Examples might include tobacco or alcohol companies, but these examples are not exclusive.

Respond to the following questions.

1. Briefly describe the company and its product and the ethical dilemma associated with the production and distribution of its products.

2. Examine how the perception of the product differs within cultures-both within the United States and globally.

3. How has this company handled the ethical implications of its product with a focus on social responsibility,integrity, and business ethics?

4. Explain how leadership within the organization can instill a culture of ethics within the marketing department as they strive to advertise a product that is not healthy for the customer.

5. What conclusions can be made about the organization in relation to the concepts of business ethics?

Your response must be a minimum of two double-spaced pages, not including the title and reference pages.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M91706645
  • Price:- $20

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