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According to McElroy and Albuquerque (2002), sustainability in an island setting seeks to preserve a widely shared stream of income by creating an adaptive competitive destination through the ongoing guidance of participatory community planning without unacceptably sacrificing socio-cultural and natural integrity of the asset base. In contrast, Jafari (2000) argues that tourism has always been a double-edged sword for islanders

(a) With an appreciation of the polarized opinions above, describe the specific characteristics governing island tourism

(b) Discuss the problems and challenges that a large country like Canada may face in implementing a sustainable tourism development strategy as compared to a small island like Mauritius

(c) In an attempt to placate Jafari's argument, outline and explain the different analyses that may be conducted to evaluate a tourism project. Substantiate your steps with supporting evidences


Goeldner et al, (2000) opine that to be able to translate the idealism of ecotourism into reality, a number of core indicators need to be identified so as to seek specific cause-effect relationship between tourism and its environment

(a) As tourism planners, critically discuss the core indicators that underpin sustainable tourism whilst illustrating your answers with relevant examples

(b) Explain how those indicators may help tourism planners achieve sustainable tourism development target


The PEST framework which prompts companies to consider Political, Economic, Social and Technological factors, a rather broad bush form of analysis, is scarcely adequate for tourism providers (Peattie and Moutinho, 2000). A more comprehensive approach which seriously touches sustainability issues is the SCEPTICAL analysis. Critically discuss each of these factors with respect to sustainability issues at any tourism destination of your choice


In comparison with conventional mass tourism which has endured sustained criticism, the concept of alternative tourism has been positively entertained in sustainability literature since the 1980's. Critically discuss and analyze how alternative forms of tourism can contribute to a more sustainable tourism industry. Support your arguments with examples

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M9719607

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